Friday, July 30, 2010

Carpinteria 2010

Another week at the beach has come and gone. I am STILL doing laundry!!! Big news this year, Tyson won the Cluff brother golf tournament!!!! I will post a picture of him with him trophy...yes they have trophies, a winner one and a loser one! We have had the loser one a few times!!! That was Saturday and then my mom watched the kids for us Saturday night and we went to PF Chang's- YUMMY!!!
Then Sunday was the day of Carp set up. The kids got sick in the car (a first) must have been the traffic on the 101!! Kids are not used to that kind of driving! We got our tent all set up and then the chasing of Aubry began. That girl is a little wanderer!!!! The week was a little chilly...75 is NOT beach weather!!! The kids still loved it, I was cold though! Here are the pictures!

Ry and B in their 60th year Carpinteria shirts
Ry lost his FIRST tooth at the beach!! It had been "wiggly" for a while...Uncle David loosened it up quite a bit and Riley finally let Ty yank it!! The Tooth Fairy even came to Carp and left Ry a bounty for his tooth! He was pretty excited!!

The boys (Cade, Christian and Ry in the back) getting ready for the 4 man race - winter Olympics 2010.
Adam, David, Eileen and Tyson...possibly talking a little smack!?!?!?
Even though David went down HARD...they managed to place in the race!
I have NO words
She LOVES the beach! She had sand everywhere!!
Ty and Ry getting ready to catch some waves! Riley did awesome!! He caught a lot of waves and had so much fun!! He scared me a few times when he tried to go out with the bigger boys! I felt a lot better when Ty was out there with him!

B and Cams running with the tide

Done for the day...he slept like a baby every night!
Gold medal number 1
They managed a bronze!!!
Running the torch
Gold medal number 2...he is quite the seed spitter!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Aubry and the potty

I just had to write this before I forgot. Aubry is pretty much daytime potty trained. She waited until like the week of her 3rd birthday...turd!!! I was in the kitchen doing dishes and cleaning up...she comes running saying that she needs to pee. So she sits on her potty (which I desperately want to get rid of-after Carp) and takes care of business.
Then I hear, "m-ooooo-m, come here."
I reply, "What b?"
B: "Come help me mom!!!"
Me: "Did you poop?"
B: "Nope, just pee."
Me: "Okay, just wipe then."
B: "I can't, I am just too busy." still sitting on the pot mind you
Me: "No B, I am busy, you just need to wipe yourself."
B: "I really am just too busy mom." Please try to imagine full 3-year-old attitude!
Me: "Brie, just wipe and go play. I need to clean the kitchen."
B: "Fine!!"
So she wipes and goes about her business. I just thought it was hilarious that she thought she was too busy to wipe herself as she sat on the pot!! She is full of it!!!!

"Homework" and Christmas Outfits

I am a crazy mom and really don't want Ry to start 1st having forgotten anything from Kindergarten. So, we spend about 30 minutes a day doing what the kids call "homework". I found some workbooks for Ry on and figured that B would be left out, so she has some tracing and counting books. Ry so far can do all of the work on his own and B is getting really good at tracing and pretty much knows her abc's. She LOVES to do work...Riley is a little reluctant at times, though he does a really good job. He has GREAT printing!!! I loved school and really want my kids to love it too and know how important it is to do well! Here's to hoping!!
I FINALLY put the kids in their Christmas outfits yesterday!!! I know it is the middle of the summer, really don't care! I am not so crazy as to dress them just for a quick they were all Christmas-ed out for church in JULY!!!

They wouldn't let go of each other for separate pictures, so I cropped! Imagine this dress with white tights and black, Paten leather, knee-high boots (and B a little shorter!!) and that was her in the winter!! SO CUTE!!!! I am sure her hair was done too...we were in a hurry!
My Mr. Man...since Christmas he has grown out of his shoes and pants!!! He also had a tie on, but it was all twisted and Ty was already at church! You get the picture! He may be wearing this outfit this Christmas...should fit him still...I hope!!!
Well now I have to get to work! Laundry, sorting, packing and organizing. Need to make sure all lanterns have batteries, all sleeping bags are clean and accounted for....oil changed in the van and van nice and CLEAN! Yes, I am the crazy lady to cleans the car before a road trip. I can't stand being in a dirty car for that long!!! Carpinteria here we come...Ty and the kids are super excited...I am a little tired thinking about all of the work. But I do love hanging with the family and the kids have a TON of fun! This is the 60th year! What kind of wife would I be if I didn't support such a family tradition???? It is just a lot of work for a vacation, that's all!
One more of my super cute kiddos!! Can't wait to see what Hayden is going to look like!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Family Weekend

Well our fun filled trip all started with Tyson working half day on Thursday, July 1st. I rushed to have us all ready to leave for Logan by 12:30 pm...the kids even made it to swimming lessons. That is pretty good for me!!
We were only a little bit late to my doctor's appointment in Logan. We had our 3-D ultrasound and the baby is looking perfect!! We found out that we are having a BOY!!! So our little Hayden Ryker Cluff (not sure on the spelling quite yet) will be here on or before November 30th!! That was exciting news, Riley is THRILLED!!
From Logan we were off to Salt Lake City to fly to Cali! My brother Randy picked us up and we surprised my mom...she had no idea we were coming! We had a great weekend with the family! Rick baptized Drake on Saturday and his birthday party followed. Then on Sunday Justin blessed his little Ansley Marie! It was great to be with everyone and have the whole family together!!
We also played a little. The kids swam and swam. We saw the last air bender...which was AWESOME!! We ate at most the places that we miss the most: Red Robin, Rubio's Baja Grill, In 'n' Out, Lascari's, Senor Peppers....and of course mom's awesome cooking!!! I even got to see the new Twilight movie while I was there! Ty was able to squeeze in a round of golf with my dad too! I had fun hangin' with my sisters-in-law and my brothers!!! Love you all so much and can't wait for the next visit!!!!