I seriously cannot believe that my little man is already in first grade! He is so big and grown up! He missed the first week of school due to Hawaii, we did his school work on vacation! We had been preparing Riley by talking a lot about how early he had to wake up and how long he would be at school...8 am to 3:20 pm. All he heard was 3 recesses!!! Sunday night Ty gave him a haircut and then a wonderful Father's Blessing! I am so very grateful to have the Priesthood in my home! Riley woke up Monday morning without a fight and we commenced getting ready. We had breakfast together (he and I were the only ones awake) and we chatted. He hugged me three different times and told me how much he was going to miss me! He kept saying, "Mom, I am going to be gone ALL day...that is so long mom...it is going to be dark when I get home!" The kid is so funny!
So, I walked him to his class to make sure he got there and got settled. When I picked him up, he gave me a hug and proudly reported "no time outs" to me! (He is a bit of a talker...wonder where he gets that from!!!) He proceeded to tell me that tomorrow I do not need to walk him to his class, he is too big for that! He also mentioned not wanting me to come to school for lunch saying, "mom, that's okay, I am a big boy and I have lots of friends!" He is breaking my heart!!! When did my baby boy become so independent and grown up?
Motherhood milestone for me: I MISS HIM WHEN HE IS AT SCHOOL! It is a long day, but he has all day Friday to drive me crazy!!
Glad he is loving school and all seems to be going well so far!
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