Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Aubry Lynn
Posted by Mindi at 5:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Birthday Fun - Aubry 2
So, B's 2nd birthday is this Friday...I did not want to go crazy with a party (considering she will NOT remember it) and I am still tired from Ry's shin-dig. I was chatting with my friend Andrea and her daughter Mallory turned 2 May 20th and she had just thrown a super hero party for her son Landon. We decided that a Just GIRLS day was in order!! I Love to go to the Gateway in Salt Lake, we both LOVE the California Pizza Kitchen and I have been soooo wanting to take B to Build A Bear since she and Ry started fighting over his monkey. It has been planned for some time now and today was the day!!! It was fun! The girls L O V E each other and it was a fun day. Too quick of a trip, we definitely want to go sans kiddos someday to do all of the shopping that we do not get to do here in Malad. Here is the recap in photos (out of order, of coarse). These pictures are not quite the best, I took my small camera with me that is not as great as my SLR...i paid the price with so-so pictures!
Posted by Mindi at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kitchen NOW
Posted by Mindi at 2:06 PM 6 comments
Kitchen Before
So, this is why we HAD to remodel the kitchen...Numero Uno priority!! Pink stove, green fridge, not many cabinets. Not ideal!! Did I mention, carpet in the kitchen and dining room!!! YUCK! So this is the kitchen when we first bought the house! Only Tyson could see something good out of this. I was like, NO way in _ _ _ _ am I cooking in THIS! Yes, I am a brat. He talked me into the house and the day we closed, we began demo on this beauty!!
Posted by Mindi at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Bakin' Brownies
Posted by Mindi at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Out with the old and in with the NEW!
Posted by Mindi at 5:54 PM 4 comments
Good Times
We had a very nice family weekend! We have had a bit of stress around here lately, what with kitchen remodel, Ty's ATLS course (Advanced Trauma Life Support) and birhday party planning (yes that one is self induced...STRESS is still stress)!! Anyway, we decided it was time for a break!
Ty was in Murray this past weekend and we did not go with as he was taking a pretty intense course for Doctors that they are now letting PAs take. Super cool, but the hospital he works for paid for Ty REALLY did not want to fail on their dime! So we let him focus and he PASSED! Yep, my PA-C is now certified in ATLS...hopefully ER CALL is coming soon!!! ;)
Ty called me on Sat and said that he REALLY did not want to drive I grabbed the kiddos and some overnight clothes and we stayed in Layton that night. He was too tired to drive...not play! So...we saw the movie up - VERY CUTE! B fell asleep, even better!!! We visited with Ty's brother Adam on Sunday and then drove home! Did I mention....we also bought a new car on Saturday night!! I will post that as well!
Posted by Mindi at 5:35 PM 1 comments