Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tabby Cat Cluff

Yes, I am a SUCKER for a super cute animal! This cat sure picked the right porch rainy Tuesday morning! Riley has BIG plans for this kitty!! They are going to best friends and he is going to sleep in Riley's bed!! Riley also wanted to name him "boy cat"!! Not very original! We stuck with Tabby cat, because he is orange and white (though according to the vet -NOT a tabby) and Aubry can say the name!!! She LOVES him!!! Oh, we took him to the vet on Tuesday and found out that he is about 2 months old and a boy. (Two more months and he will be de-clawed and de-nutted). He is in pretty good shape, hasn't had the best the vet said to feed him well and he will be great! He had to get shots and be de-wormed! So he has slept a lot! Last night he was playing like crazy!! He is a normal kitty cat, with stinky gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Maybe we should name him Tabby Cat Jackman :)!) The best part is that Tabby LOVES Tyson! He follows him around like crazy!!! Ty picks him up and loves him and Tabby just purrs away! (That is when I call Ty Dr. Evil). Tabby has also decided that the best spot to sleep is our bed! He especially likes to curl up on or near our faces!!!!

Seriously, isn't he just too cute!?!?B is doing pretty good with him! He is VERY patient and hasn't scratched anyone! Well, he did scratch Riley when Ry found him on our porch, opened the door and Tabby ran into the house! So Ry freaked out and threw him out!!! Ry got scratched pretty good!!
He LOVES this thing! (Better than my couch). He gets caught on it and all of his paws are off of the floor! He is fun to watch! He also goes crazy with the toy mice!!!!
B and Tabby playing! Sometimes he needs a break and heads under the couch! His head is peaking out! If he really wants a break...he head under my bed and sleeps right next to the heating vent!!!


Heather Farar said...

Cute Kitty! Talmage would love to have a pet (he tends towards dogs) but that will have to wait at least a few more months.